
The Journey Begins


I am here, with a mission – to be part of the change I want to see in the world. I’ve heard it said many times in many ways over the years. And over the years, despite my resistance, I have come to understand it – at least, in part!

At face value, it sounds simple and easy, doesn’t it? But sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes it is scary. Sometimes it feels like the tip of a bottomless iceberg. And sometimes it is easier to keep blaming others, or to keep living the same old story, than to change. And ultimately – to take full responsibility for the way our lives are (or are not).

So this is my challenge to both me – and to you. First – we start just exactly where we are now. There’s no better place. There’s no alternative. Don’t wait ’til things are “better”, or “worse”. Acknowledge your current position, and start doing the work. One step at a time.

…Whether that’s seeking healing for past pain or trauma, changing a habit that would change your life, releasing fear that’s stopping you, relinquishing doubt that’s holding you back…

And start making space for some new magic to unfold.

Right here. Right now.

With – or without – me!

But do it anyway.